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What are the benefits of investing in solar energy?
The main benefit of investing in solar energy is that you will harness the source of energy which is the sun, for free. It is a clean, renewable form of energy that involves the use of solar panels. Secondly, the entire setup or installation is quick and easy, and as the whole world is switching to this cleaner and renewable energy, you will contribute your own quota towards the slowdown of climate change.
What are the considerations you must make when deciding whether to install solar panels in your home?
Answering the following question should help you determine if solar energy installation will be appropriate for your home;
Are the investments in solar panels worth it?
In the last 10 years, the cost of installing solar panels has dropped by over 70%, and with the use of solar energy, the average household energy usage of 12.58cents/ KWh, makes it much more affordable than the regular public energy system. With solar energy, you can save as much as 750$ a year or more depending on how much energy you consume.
It is expected that most homeowners will break even on solar energy investment, in as little as 7 ½ years, and that is quite a short period compared to the average life expectancies of solar systems which stood at between 25 and 30 years. Contact Mr. Electric of Dallas for the supply and installation of durable, efficient and reliable solar panels today!